In 2021, Keolis adopted a corporate purpose that places CSR at the heart of its strategy. The Group’s new transformation programme, Keolis Way, and a set of ambitious targets will put this new purpose into practice in key areas:
Gender equality and diversity, including:
- increasing the percentage of women in its workforce to over 24% by 2025, up from 21.7% in 2020.
- covering over 95% of all employees with GEEIS certification, up from 87% in 2020 (Gender Equality European & International.
- health and safety: for the first time, a share of managers’ variable compensation will be indexed to a safety performance indicator.
Keolis has also pursued and accelerated its policy of sustainable and responsible procurement. In 2021, purchases from structures in the social and solidarity economy (SSE) amounted to €20 million in France and €13 million in the United States, a sharp rise from 2020 (€11.7 million in France).
Similarly, the Group set up a new €600 million CSR credit line indexed to sustainable development indicators and tied to annual targets for environmental protection, gender equality and health and safety.